Dear List Members.

It seems there is some confusion on the comments I made in regards to the NWA 
display ring. The image that Steve C. used was a picture of the real deal that 
Russ F. posted to his website with permission. I took all images of NWA 5K off 
of my web space for a couple of years because a few others were using them 
without permission or for less than honorable purposes.

Several quality people ask me to put them back up so I did and what I feared 
happened again. Some less than honest people have used these images for the 
following purposes:

Had a Moroccan (Mohamed S.) dealer show up at the Tucson show and claim he had 
an 18 kilogram pairing a week after we announced it, The so-called pairing 
turned out to be a much more common Eucrite that did not look anything like NWA 
5K once cut. He was trying to find a sucker at the show to buy it even though a 
scientist at the show told him there is no doubt whatsoever that what he had 
wasn't even close to being a lunar meteorite, let alone NWA 5K .

There has been three instances that I know of that other groups fabricated 
own version of the patent pending display ring and tried to take credit away 
from the original design team by not acknowledging them.

One bold con-artist from the United Kingdom used images and my description of a 
large slice taken from eBay to try to sell a piece that he or she did not own 
could even produce once it was paid for.

Our team came up with an idea about a Jules Vern line of watches that would 
showcase a piece of NWA 5K into time pieces and promoted our plans to a French 
watch-making company only to have them steal our idea and integrate an ugly and 
much cheaper piece of black characterless Dhofar into it.  They copied the port 
idea (display ring) which reminded of us of Jules Vern and made a miniature 
version on the side of their watches.  It is too bad this multi-billion dollar 
concern has to steal ideas from the small guys and take full credit for it. We 
learned our lesson and will never deal with a company like this again without a 
lawyer present.

Had fellow from the Philippines claim he had a piece of NWA 5K  for sale even 
though he did not own any. He used images of the real deal in order to find a 
terrestrial rock that he thought was somewhat similar.

And now we have Steve C. claiming to be the first to find Lunar meteorites on 
the North American continent and guess what; He has found a terrestrial breccia 
which is lying around everywhere in Colorado and claims to have found the 
American equivalent to NWA 5K.  He wonders why scientist will not waste their 
time with his finds.  Perhaps, if his finds showed signs of a fusion crust, 
flight markings, shock melt, metal and encased Helium 3 bubbles he might have 
something but he used images and what he saw on TV to make his invalid 

I have spent over 3,200 hours (I know this figure sounds unbelievable but I 
track) managing NWA 5K and do not appreciate anybody with less than honorable 
intentions interfering with this ongoing project. 

Best Regards,


----- Original Message ----
From: Adam Hupe <>
To: Adam <>
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 7:57:20 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Say WHAT?

It is interesting that many have tried to copy the custom and patent pending 
display ring for the complete slice of NWA 5000 and now others are trying to 
copy the stone itself.  In the case of the display ring, it has held a vacuum 
since it was manufactured to aerospace standards, even after traveling around 
the world while promoting science.  A master machinist with decades of 
experience building components for weather satellites built the original so 

luck to those who can not come up with their own ideas. Copycats may be able to 
imitate it but will never achieve the level of workmanship integrated into this 
one-of-kind display system that was built to last at least a 1,000 years.

Imitation is supposed to be a form of flattery but for some reason I am more 
disappointed than flattered.  Having idiots piggyback off of my hard work is 
nothing short of distasteful and in some cases fraudulent or should I say 


----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Blood <>
To: Meteorite List <>
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 7:12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Say WHAT?

Hi all,
        I just received the post below - I assume many
Of you did. Is this guy a nut job or what?
For those still in doubt as to the existence of Lunar meteorites in North
America, please examine our Western Colorado version of the famous "NWA
5000."  I realize, too, that many scientists refuse to acknowledge
photography as a viable component for authentication & verification, which
leads to these questions.  What is a thin section?  What is a petrographic
analysis? How are genuine meteorites authenticated on the internet & Ebay?
If the images in the following link are fakes, who is responsible?  What
universities were involved in authenticating & classifying NWA 5000?  What
universities were involved in authenticating & classifying ALH 84001?  What
Apollo sample was used to authenticate NWA 5000 & ALH 84001?

        Anyone familiar with this guy?

Life is too short for drama & petty things,
Laugh insanely, Love truly and Forgive quickly.
"People will forget what you said,
people will forget  what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."
        Maya Angelou

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