Hi all,

I've purchased a santa cruz Ab which is usually not such a great thing in my 
experience, i optimized it using a wt cell line and a cell line that over 
expressed my protein of interest. The blot looked great. However, when i came 
to use it on some xenograft samples i have non specific binding everywhere and 
in between where each lane is and including the lane i have grey/black smears 
all over the membrane.
Usually i dilute my primary with 0.5%milk/TBST, i increased the amount of 
primary and diluted with 5%milk/TBST to try and get rid of some of this 
background and bring up my bands a bit more but i got the same result, a blot 
with grey smearing all over it.

Does anyone have any trouble shooting tips, i'm not that new to westerns i've 
never had this problem before but i cant think what else to do.

Also the actin blot is clear and clean, so it has to be something to do with 
the primary i'm thinking.

Any ideas?


Scott Brown
PhD Candidate
Molecular Carcinogenesis Program
Children's Cancer Institute of Australia for Medical Research
High Street (PO Box 81)

Phone: +61 2 9382 1829
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Email: sbr...@ccia.unsw.edu.au
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