Try using Philip software for the phylogeny.  I have used this along with 
ClustatW for several years now and always gives expected results relative to 
the alignment.  It just might be the algorithm used by mega5 weights the 
pairing differently from what we visualize from an alignment.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Elyaseen Daniel
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 5:43 AM
Subject: DNA sequence alignment

Dear listers,


I have sequnced a DNA fargment (PCR product) then BLASTed the sequnce (in NCBI 
BLAST). I got 97% similarity with a named species. I took my sequence and the 
six closest sequences and aligned them (Clustal W) then conducted a phylogeny 
analysis using MEGA 5 (using Neighbour-Joining with p-distance). The tree 
showed that my sequence is far from the one with 97% similarity (a really far 
clade!). If I do not align the sequences and run the same phylogeny analysis I 
get my sequence and the one with 97% similarity in ONE clade supported by a 
high bootstrap value (86%). Any explanations on why the alignment is making 
this change. (by the way I tried alignment with MUSCLE or doing Maximum 
Likelihood but that did not slove the problem). 

Thanks a mellion.

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