On Saturday, October 14, 2006 6:35:54 PM UTC-4, WS wrote:
> Dear experts,
> Just "discovered" some elderly FPLC equiment in the vaults of my lab's
> building. No idea how old they are - 15 to 20 years maybe. At least
> they are from a time when LKB has no yet been bought by Pharmacia by
> Amersham by GE Healtcare (by Buchler???).
> Some of you inclined readers have been reminded of your time as PhD
> students and postdocs? Fine! As I want aehm need to resurrect this
> equipment for protein purification, I need your help!
> When I had a look on the back of the pump and the detcetor, I noticed a
> 9 pin SUB-D connector labeled "LKB Bus" and "Remote". Of course all
> documentation has gone lost (the boxes are labeled with some PI's names
> I've never seen here) and GE's website does not carry any information
> on that old stuff.
> Could anyone of you please point me to a website or any other source
> where I could obtain some information on this mysterial connectors
> (pinout, protocols, applications) or simply tell me how I could make
> use of these connectors.
> Many thanks!
> Wo

I have also stumbled upon one of the LKB 2249 ternary gradient pumps. I spent 
the necessary time to restore it to proper operating condition. Now, I would 
like to write some Python code to control the pump for my uses.

Does anyone out there in Internet-land have any ideas on how to control this 
pump via serial commands?

Warm regards,

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