On July 26, 2003 at 17:51, Daniel Schregenberger wrote:

> I recently tried to convert some old messages to HTML for archiving them. Now
>  I
> noticed there are some (about 20) where mhonarc doesn't put any body into the
> HTML file. The headers (from, to, subject, date) are extracted, but the body 
> is
> missing.
> Is this a known problem? I couldn't find anything in the archives.
> The messages are not in mbox format, but simple copies of mail sources. I
> couldn't see anything wrong with them. I mean: the body is defined to be
> everything after the first null-line and since the headers get extracted I
> don't understand what is going wrong.

It is possible that the header body separation is not correct.

> I haven't recieved any error/warning messages by mhonarc and couldn't figure
> out how to make it tell me more.
> I'm using mhonarc 2.6.6 with *no* options specified.
> I can post one (or all) of this messages if it helps.

It is best to tar-gz, or zip, up the messages in questions to avoid
any munging by mail software.  You can send the data straight to
me so I can run some tests.


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