We talked about this a few years ago, I thought then, and I 
still think MHonArc should have a "single" option which 
tells it it is processing a single message and not to go 
breaking the messages.

   >On July 28, 2003 at 06:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   >>    >>> MHonArc does not like messages which contain lines beginning
   >>    >>> with the word From .  It's pretty much been an issue for the
   >>    >>> past 10 years, so yes, it is a known problem.
   >>    >
   >>    >=v= No, MHonArc has no problem with such messages.  I just now
   >>    >tested it.  Sendmail, the default Unix mail transport system,
   >>    >*does* have a problem with such lines, and that problems about
   >>    >30 years old.
   >> I see it happen every day, so it does happen. What version are you
   >> using?
   >The unescaped From problem is discussed in the FAQ:
   >This is not really a limitation of MHonArc, but a limitation of
   >the UUCP-style mailbox format.

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