On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:28:37 -0500, Al Gilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >I've temporarily given up on other approaches and am trying this, but the
> >pages for <SUBJECTHEADER> et. al. list various date, from, and subject
> >fields, but no To field (or CC for that matter).  The same for the main
> >resource variable page.  I'd guess $TO$, but it's not in the docs or the
> >mailing list archive anywhere I can find.  Are you sure that it's in there?

> Like you, I fail to find $TO$ in the index of variables.
> I defined a "variable" in the RC file which was the list posting address
> and used that wherever I wanted to create a mailto: which sent mail to [or
> a copy to] the list.  The information as to whether the list was in To: or
> Cc: as posted, or who the message was To: if not to the list, was not
> something I preserved.

That's not going to work for me because I have three related listservs (one
group-wide and two for sub-teams) that all go into the same archive, and I
need to know which message went to which listserv.  :(  I confess that the
omission of $TO$ and $CC$ seems conspicuous given how many flavors of
$FROM$, $SUBJECT$, and $DATE$ there are.  On the other hand, give someone
$TO$ and someone else will ask for $RECEIVED$ and $ORGANIZATION$ and all
the X-.* fields, and things get out of hand quickly.

I wouldn't mind the omission of $TO$ if I could get EXCS/FIELDORDER to
work.  Odd that both of them don't work for me -- it seems I'm missing
something fundamental.

> Harald Alvestrand once opined that Web archivers for Mail or News are "the
> wrong architecture."  He felt that a superior architecture would be one
> where if you want to read the message you get a verbatim message/rfc822
> copy and read it in your mail (or news) tool.

Overall I tend to agree.  Unfortunately, if there's a mechanism by which
everyone can read a single store of messages kept in one location using
their own mail/news software, I don't know what it is.  So it's either use
the web, with all its unnecessary (to the task) overhead, or have everyone
keep their own personal archives (and assume they all have space for them)
and then hope they all stay in synch.  (Or something else like an FTP
server of RFC822 text files, a database you have to telnet into, etc.)  At
least the HTML approach provides hyperlinks and navigation within the
message page.  Using a web page which linked to messages that would somehow
pop up within your RFC822 mail/news client doesn't seem feasible unless
your audience is very tech-savvy, and frankly, I'm lucky to get some of
mine to know how to change a Subject line when replying.

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED], or on my web page


* Frank J. Perricone * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sover.net/~hawthorn
Just because we aren't all the same doesn't mean we have nothing in common
 Just because we have something in common doesn't mean we're all the same

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