At 05:48 PM 1/16/99 +0000, Frank J. Perricone wrote:
>On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:28:37 -0500, Al Gilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I defined a "variable" in the RC file which was the list posting address
>> and used that wherever I wanted to create a mailto: which sent mail to [or
>> a copy to] the list.  The information as to whether the list was in To: or
>> Cc: as posted, or who the message was To: if not to the list, was not
>> something I preserved.
>That's not going to work for me because I have three related listservs (one
>group-wide and two for sub-teams) that all go into the same archive, and I
>need to know which message went to which listserv.  

I think you can do it with resources, then and not have to hack the Perl.
All you have to do is use a different RC file per listserv and define
variables in each RC file appropriate to that list.  Use these variables in
the message page formatting, not in the index page formatting and you may
find it works.

At the point where you are accepting a message and launching MHonArc to
archive it use a filter rule to detect which listserv it came through (or
if you are calling MHonArc from the listserv it will know) and apply a
slightly variant RC file as appropriate.


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