From: Earl Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MHonArc: ANNOUNCE: v2.4.0 released
> MHonArc Users,
> v2.4.0 is now available for download from
> <URL:>.

I'm very glad to here this news!

However, I found some bugs.
This mail contains two small patches:

(1) ( fails to install man pages to non-existent
directory because it will create only (NEWDIR)/man but not

(2) (charsetconverters.html.diff)
Default Setting of CharsetConverters in MHonArc documents is
not sufficient (There's no description about `iso-2022-jp').

And (maybe) some bug reports of MHonArc documents:

(3) It seems that <dt> tags of `Envariable' etc. (in many
files) are not correctly closed, e.g.,
                                   ^^^^ -> </dt> ?

(4) `sensistive' (in doc/rcvars.html and doc/resources/*.html)
is typo of `sensitive'?

(5) Are those
| <a name="commslegal">Are those "&lt;!--X-... -->" legal comments?</a>
legal (in many files, e.g., doc/faq/msgpgs.html) ?
Weblint says:
  metacharacter '>' should be represented as '&gt;'
  you should use '&gt;' in place of '>', even in a PRE element.

Takashi P.KATOH

---,orig     Sat Jun 26 21:57:05 1999
+++  Sat Jun 26 22:06:55 1999
@@ -426,6 +426,8 @@
            print STDOUT "    $_ => ";
            ($file = $_)    =~ s%.*/%%o;
            ($sect = $file) =~ s%.*\.%%o;
+           if (create_dir(join('', $OptValues{'manpath'},
+                               $DIRSEP, "man", $sect), 1) <= 0) { die "\n"; }
            $destfile = join('', $OptValues{'manpath'},
                             $DIRSEP, "man", $sect, $DIRSEP, $file);
            print STDOUT $destfile, "\n";
--- doc/resources/charsetconverters.html,orig   Sat Jun 26 22:10:19 1999
+++ doc/resources/charsetconverters.html        Sat Jun 26 22:12:42 1999
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
 iso-8859-8;    iso_8859::str2sgml;
 iso-8859-9;    iso_8859::str2sgml;
 iso-8859-10;   iso_8859::str2sgml;
+iso-2022-jp;   iso_2022_jp::str2html;
 default;       -ignore-

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