On June 27, 1999 at 18:49, "Takashi P.KATOH" wrote:

> This mail contains two small patches:
> (1) (install.me.diff)
> install.me fails to install man pages to non-existent
> directory because it will create only (NEWDIR)/man but not
> (NEWDIR)/man/man1.


> (2) (charsetconverters.html.diff)
> Default Setting of CharsetConverters in MHonArc documents is
> not sufficient (There's no description about `iso-2022-jp').

Oops again.  However, the def-mime.mrc in the examples directory
should be correct.

> (3) It seems that <dt> tags of `Envariable' etc. (in many
> files) are not correctly closed, e.g.,
>     <dt><strong>Envariable</strong><dt>
>                                    ^^^^ -> </dt> ?

Typo.  Unfortunately, nsgmls does not catch such problems since it is
legal markup.

> (4) `sensistive' (in doc/rcvars.html and doc/resources/*.html)
> is typo of `sensitive'?

Me is a colege grduate.

I should get in the habit of using a spell checker, but I am too lazy.

> (5) Are those
> | <a name="commslegal">Are those "&lt;!--X-... -->" legal comments?</a>
>                                                  ^
> legal (in many files, e.g., doc/faq/msgpgs.html) ?
> Weblint says:
>   metacharacter '>' should be represented as '&gt;'
> or
>   you should use '&gt;' in place of '>', even in a PRE element.

Technically, what I have is legal.  Weblint is being pedantic.
Hopefully, weblint tags it as a warning and not as an error.

Thanks for the diffs.  I'll try to get them into the next release.
None of the bugs are show-stoppers, so an immediate patch release is
not needed.


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