On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Paul Kaufman wrote:
> On 01-Sep-99, Fred Wright wrote:
> > What does MiamiTCPDump show during these attempts?
> Here are the (much shorter) Miamitcpdump captures from the failed (hard
> drive) boot and from the successful (floppy drive) boot.  both were taken using
> Miami2.1p (reg) and both contain the same events, namely:
> first, from Amiga ( 
> MiamiPing -c 5
> then from the Win NT PeeCee (
> Ping
> the first file (miamidump1.txt) doesn't have anything originating from
> the PC (which is my problem) because the PC couldn't find the Amiga. 
> All requests timed out. 

But what's really strange about that is that traffic successfully passed
in both directions in the ping from the Amiga.  If this is the "dark LED
on the hub" case, then something is still screwy with the board or driver,

> The second file (miamidump2.txt) has all 9 pings in both directions, the
> same "who-is" and "tell" packets, and an additional UDP packet as the
> first line.  I don't recognise this or know what it means, but I wonder
> if its a new clue, or just a spurious Win NT broadcast? Anyone?  It
> looks to be about 30 seconds before I typed the first ping. 

Yes, the UDP is just one of Windoze's typical periodic broadcasts.  If you
don't see those in the failing case, that might be another clue.

Even this "working" case is a little suspect, since the Amiga sent the
echo request to the PC without ARPing it first, which it should need to do
when starting from scratch.  This probably means either:

1) This wasn't the first activity after putting the Miami link online.


2) You made a manual ARP entry, which ordinarily you shouldn't do.

In any case, the fact that there's a difference between the two boot cases
should be a good area for investigation.  If you have a spare partition or
room to make one, I'd start by copying the entire floppy to a test
partition and verifying that booting from that partition is equivalent to
booting from the floppy.  If so, now compare every file between the two to
track down the difference.

                                        Fred Wright


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