Hi Fred

On 01-May-00, you wrote:

>>   I think I have the correct one as it works for everything else except
>>  getting IP hostname.
>>   How does the DNS server knows what IP hostname I want? I mean how does
>>  it know I want i.e. "MOVA" before "netcabo.pt"? (probablly stupid
>>  question)
> *You* don't determine your hostname - your ISP does.  If your IP address
> is dynamic, then your hostname will be dynamic as well.  If you have a
> static IP, you *may* be able to get them to assign you a specific
> hostname.

  Ok. but I cant undersntand why on the PeeCee my hostname is
 MNBMS.netcabo.pt or JNBA.netcabo.pt whatever machine I am on.

>>   I would try the MiamiResolve but now I got back to a bigger prob. :)
>>  That is Miami is unable to determine my local IP address. That appened
>>  for very long time before but I got the prob, (thanks to Cable
>>  DSL FAQ) it was with my ethernet board address. The ISP or cable modem
>>  remembers board address. So I put the same address in all 3 boards in
>>  the house.   Dont know why but since yesterday I cant even pass that
>>  "old" prob. Everything fine on other 2 Peecees.
> Aarggh!  Don't *ever* assign the same Ethernet address to multiple
> machines.  Doing that will cause all kinds of problems.  If you need to
> switch machines for the cable modem, reset the modem (or perhaps
> power-cycle it) to get it to forget the address.  Better still, set up one
> machine as a gateway and let the others route through it.

  That doesnt cause probs bettween the two PeeCees. Same Ethernet board
 address and different ethernet hardware.  Unfurnattly(?) it is not very
 pratique to turn off and on the modem for 5 mins wheenever I change
 computers. :(

>>>>   How bad is to not having a hostname? Could it be the cause to any
>>>>  other probs I am facing?
>>> You'd have to say what the other problems are. :-)
>>> Most things don't care.  It gets used for certain things such as headers
>>> inserted when sending emails, where it may or may not be important that
>>> it's correct.  Note that sometimes sites you connect to will require a
>>> valid rDNS translation for your IP, so if yor ISP has that screwed up you
>>> may have problems independent of what happens at your end.
>>   I had problems sending mails and mostlly web uses. Telnet was fine and
>>  so was FTP.
> Sounds like it could be related.  I've encountered Telnet *clients* that
> wouldn't connect to a *server* that didn't have matching forward and
> reverse DNS translations, as a security hack.

  Ok.. Now I know my only prob: No hostname. :)

         .           .
  .------|Jose Andias|-------.


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