
I'm very new to CORBA and Mico in general; however, I need to implement a small CORBA server and it seemed that CCM would be the best way to do it: it seemed easier and better organized.

So far, so good, but I'd like to return a new object instance from a method, which had me banging my head against the wall for a while now.

My (partial) IDL looks like this:

   interface CardInfo
       attribute long SerialNumber;
       // other information here
       void SetPin(in unsigned long high, in unsigned long low);

   interface BasicOperations
boolean GetCardInformation(out CardInfo CardInformation) raises(CardNotOpenedException, ReaderNotOpenedException);

If I just do a

   new CardInfo_Impl;

To create my implementation of the CardInfo interface, upon returning from my GetCardInformation, Mico will assert in static.cc:698 because the new object doesn't have a IOR. I assume that this is because it hasn't been activated yet.

However, I can't seem to find a way for the component to access its POA in order to activate the new object, or for the new object to be created already activated.

Can I do what I want to achieve?

I'm sure it's simple, but I'm already too confused...

I'm using Mico 2.3.12 with CCM.

Thank you,


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