On Apr 29, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Brian Suda wrote:
I have spent some time reviewing the examples and the formats on the
wiki. Here is the list of the implied schemas. These are the common
fields amongst the examples. I then looked at the cross over between
the real-world examples and the formats and have created a straw
proposal from that.

Nice work Brian.

At the moment it is pretty strict, i only included
VERY common properties - it is easier to make additions than
subtractions - so if there is a property that is NOT in the straw
proposal please speak-up.

I noticed a couple things:

- you have audience as not being in the implied schema for formats but it is actually a valid DC element, albeit not in the core set.

- journal is missing from the implied schema for examples. There are several examples that use include a journal ACM Digital Library, Self- Citation Example, IEEE Search Results, CiteSeer, PubMed Medical Journal Example. Indeed it's even listed in the 'Implied Schema' [1]. Some of the examples that had journal names neglected to break it out as such though (which I've just remedied), so that might have added some obscurity. Being able to mark up a journal is pretty important for academic citations.

Also I'm a bit confused by:

<p class="citation">Have you read <span class="title"><abbr title="book" class="format">Foo Bar</abbr></span>? It was written by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">John Doe</span></span>. It only came out a <abbr class="dtpublished" title="20060101">few months ago</abbr></p>

What function is the title attribute in <abbr title="book" ...> serving here?

I guess the draft will reference the Datetime Design Pattern [2] explicitly? Speaking of a draft--lets write one! Is that the next logical step in the process? Thanks so much for your continued efforts!


[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/citation-examples#Implied_schema
[2] http://microformats.org/wiki/datetime-design-pattern
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