
Perhaps a Retrieved Date or Access Date would be appropriate for citing
online resources.

For example at 
you see citations like this:

Chief Academic Officers of the Big 12 Universities (2000). Big 12 Faculty
Fellowship Program. Retrieved December 20, 2000 from the World Wide Wed:

And in the APA style guide at
they are fairly specific about the use of Retrieved Date as distinct from
the Publication/Copyright Date:

Chou, L., McClintock, R., Moretti, F., Nix, D. H. (1993). Technology and
education: New wine in new bottles: Choosing pasts and imagining educational
futures. Retrieved August 24, 2000, from Columbia University, Institute for
Learning Technologies Web site: 

Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to
optimize health and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a.
Retrieved November 20, 2000, from    

Note that the only online citation on the wiki is listed in the dtpublished
field.  That wouldn't work for the above citations.

I added the first example to the wiki.  However, the APA example is
fictitious, but it is in a credible reference.  Should that be added or is
that not "in the wild"?


Joe Andrieu
+1 (805) 705-8651

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:microformats-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Suda
> Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:58 AM
> To: Microformats Discuss
> Subject: [uf-discuss] Citation Straw Proposal II
> I have spent some time reviewing the examples and the formats on the
> wiki. Here is the list of the implied schemas. These are the common
> fields amongst the examples. I then looked at the cross over between
> the real-world examples and the formats and have created a straw
> proposal from that. At the moment it is pretty strict, i only included
> VERY common properties - it is easier to make additions than
> subtractions - so if there is a property that is NOT in the straw
> proposal please speak-up.
> implied schema (examples)
> + publisher
> + language
> + description
> + title
> + creator
> + volume
> + issue
> + page
> + edition
> + identifier
> + tags
> + format
> + date published
> + copyright
>  - audience
> implied schema (formats)
>  + publisher
>  + language
>  + description
>  + title
>  + creator
>  + volume
>  + pages
>  + edition
>  + issue
>  + identifier
>  + tags
>  + format
>  + date published
>  + date copyrighted
>  - subtitle
>  - image
>  - excerpt
>  - index terms
>  - series title
>  - publication
>  - journal
>  - part (1 of X)
> UNION of the two schemas
>  + (PLUS) means common properties
>  - (MINUS) means unique to the schema
> Brian's Straw format
> <ul class="bibliography">
>       <li class="citation" xml:lang="en-gb">
>               <!-- publisher data as hCard-->
>               <div class="publisher vcard">
>                       <span class="fn org">ABC Publishing Co.</span>
>                       <span class="country-name">United Kingdom</span>
>                       ...
>               </div>
>               <!-- author(s) data as hCard -->
>               <div class="creator vcard">
>                       <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
>                       ...
>               </div>
>               <!-- location data -->
>               <span class="title">Foobar!</span>
>               <span class="description">World Class Book about
>               <span class="volume">1</span>
>               <span class="issue">1</span>
>               <span class="edition">1</span>
>               <span class="pages">1-10</span>
>               <span class="format">article</span>
>               <!-- differed to the UID debate -->
>               <span class="identifier">12345678</span>
>               <!-- keywords -->
>               <span class="keyword">foo</span>
>               <span class="keyword">bar</span>
>               <!-- date properties -->
>               Published <abbr class="dtpublished" title="20060101">January
> 1st 1006</abbr>
>               Copyright <abbr class="copyright"
>       </li>
>       ...
> </ul>
> <p class="citation">Have you read <span class="title"><abbr
> title="book" class="format">Foo Bar</abbr></span>?
> It was written by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">John
> Doe</span></span>.
> It only came out a <abbr class="dtpublished" title="20060101">few
> months ago</abbr></p>
> - URL (this is probably do to several examples of older citation
> formats not having URLs, is this important or can identifier handle
> this property?)
> - IMAGE (not sure what this would be an image of, but HTML has <img>
> element, so it could be of use? Does it help to cite something?)
> - AUTHOR, EDITOR, TRANSLATOR, etc. At the moment these are all lumped
> into 'creator' which will need to be expanded as appropriate. Probably
> (author | editor )
> - ABSTRACT, NOTES, EXCEPT, etc. At the moment these are lumped into
> 'description'
> - Difference between COPYRIGHT and LICENSE, currently citation
> copyright is a date-time, license would be the TYPE. License is NOT
> accounted for.
> - IsPartOf is another property that has been discussed which is not
> represented.
> - Other properties like 'audience' are in some formats (DC) but were
> not common enough to be considered in the format schema.
> Overall this straw format is on the minimal side, so lets review this
> and see what needs to be addressed and how to do so.
> i have added the straw proposal to the wiki[1], so feel free to make
> changes/suggestions there.
> -brian
> [1] -
> brainstorming#Brian.27s_Straw_format
> --
> brian suda
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