On 1/1/07, Colin Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jan 1, 2007, at 7:29 AM, Ciaran McNulty wrote:
> Another @rel value that is more similar to the @rel="nsfw" would be
> @rel="no-follow", which is trying to express an opinion about the
> linked page rather than describing the link relationship.

Not really -- it's saying that this link isn't a link that should be
followed by an automated search engine. The relationship between
document A and document B is "don't follow if you're a search engine".

You can't really find an appropriate way to finish the sentence "The
relationship between document A and document B is ________" with rel-
nsfw. It's a pretty good litmus test for the correct usage of @rel.

But isn't it the case that rel-nsfw is exactly the same class of
relationship as rel-nofollow?

If your example is OK then surely "don't follow if you're at work" is
just as valid?

-Ciaran McNulty
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