Tantek Çelik wrote:

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

Forgive my newness to this, but: could you provide some examples of
where the generalised title-design-pattern would be problematic?

Here is a simple (theoretical) example (hReview fragment)
<span class="rating" title="Three means fair">3</span>

There is no ambiguity here. From the spec, the parser should understand that the integer is the machine-readable data. Quoting from the Microformats wiki entry for hReview:

"rating. optional. fixed point integer [1.0-5.0], with optional alternate worst (default:1.0) and/or best (default:5.0), also fixed point integers, and explicit value."

Would this noise be a problem for end users, or just for the tools that
consume microformats?

Neither directly.

Rather, it would be a problem for the sites who have already published
microformats, because we would be redefining something they are already

We're not suggesting that existing Microformat parsers remove their support for abbr-design-pattern. We're suggesting that Microformat authors stop using abbr-design-pattern for data not mean to be consumed by humans.

I would expect that sites like Technorati and plug-ins like Operator and Tails, continue parsing abbr-design-pattern as-is to avoid breaking backwards compatibility.

In otherwords, while *currently*, the use of a title attribute on non-abbr microformatted elements has *NO IMPACT* on the microformat semantics of that non-abbr element, with the title-design-pattern, those sites that were using 'title' for "advisory information" would suddenly find that that "advisory information" had been redefined to take the place of a microformat value,
thus very likely breaking their microformatted content.

Only if that "advisory information" matched the expected data format for that particular class. Do you know of any current implementation where this would fail? Examples "in the wild" of course. ;-)


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