Brian Suda wrote:

the whole discussion begs the question about what people with
assistive technologies ACTUALLY think? A while ago there was a whole
report about who screen readers fail with AJAX apps, then someone
actually ASKED some blind folks if they could navigate the site...
they managed to do so just fine.

To what report and response are you referring? Do you have a link?

We skirt the issue by moving data to the title attribute of
alternative elements, how do we know screen-readers now or later won´t
read out those as well?

The article states:

With custom verbosity settings, it is possible that a screen reader user may hear the text spoken in [the span]..., but that circumstance is much less likely than a fully-expanded ABBR.

Screen readers allow custom verbosity settings, so it's possible that someone could enable *[title] to be read, but it is less likely than reading abbr[title] due to the implied expansion semantics of abbr.

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