Hello everyone.

Great work thus far.. just want to drop my 2cents.

1) I don't think Dimitri's text was very clear on this aspect in
particular, but I believe it would improve the UXP and still give
control to the publisher.

Why not mixing the suggestion of dimitry (which seems like a very
well-thought solution) with the CSS one:

- when the user hovers on the margin-mark, the user-agent should
'target' to the (root?) element (like what's done with the #anchor in
urls) and that would allow the publishers to specify the
looks/highlight accordingly. Like:

.vcard:target {
border:1px solid red;

or even
.vcard:target .actions{
visibility: visible;

(without constraining the publisher to a specific class name or element)

2) Also, should there be only ONE way of displaying uf content? or
should the user have an option? I believe the operator's default way
(toolbar) is also pretty darn good and should not be ignored or would
it go against/collide with the work Michael has been doing?

André Luís

On 9/5/07, Pelle W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Farndon, Tony skrev:
> >> 2. Microformats are in page, and there needs to be some way
> >> to indicate the microformats are available on the page that
> >> doesn't offend page authors. How can we accomplish this?
> >>
> > I second the opinion that this is a design issue and therefore should be
> > handled by css in some way. This would fit into the web design paradigm
> > of markup for data, css for design. My slightly different css approach;
> > create custom css property:value pairs, such as that of
> > -moz-border-radius.
> If something should add anything it should be added by a javascript
> which the Firefox people may very well supply. To have CSS instructing
> Firefox to add something into the HTML-data seems wrong, it doesn't
> really separate the data and content from the design. If something
> should instruct anything to add new HTML-data to a document it has to be
> either the HTML itself or JavaScripts. CSS can be used to style what's
> added, but should do nothing more than that in my opinion because it's
> only purpose is to add a deisgn and if it's removed the page should work
> equally well - only not as beutiful as with the CSS added.
> Let's just have a javascript like the one here below. If Firefox
> supplies a microformats object by default then all webpages can rely on
> that in Firefox it can easily be extended to add support for newer
> microformats like Prototype and other javascript frameworks today
> extends basic DOM-objects and such. If someone would like they could
> even code their own implementation of such a solution which can be used
> in other browsers than Firefox until those browsers adds support
> themselves either directly or indirectly through extensions.
> <script type="text/javascript">
>     if (typeof microformats.hcard == 'object') {
>         // Add some actions to the page in any way, like this simple and
> bad way
>         document.write('<a href="#"
> onclick="microfrmats.hcard.add(this.parentNode);">Add to addressbook</a>');
>     }
> </style>
> There are probably better arguments for choosing a solution like this
> over a CSS and/or HTML based solution, I hope someone more experienced
> than me can tell us some of them.
> / Pelle W
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