Hello Bruno,

I don't know the MSN syntax, but for other links, you can do things like this:

<a class="url" href="http://jeffmcneill.com/";>home</a> | <a
class="url" href="http://jeffmcneill.com/blog";>blog</a> | <a
class="url" href="irc://irc.freenode.net/jeffmcneill,isnick">irc</a> |
<a class="url" href="xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">jabber</a> | <a
class="url" href="skype:jeffmcneill">skype</a>

Jeff McNeill

On 1/20/08, Bruno Miguel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know. But, by reducing the number of people who check my email, I reduce
> the hate mails.
> One more thing: to add a msn messenger link, I should use
> <a class="url"
> href="msnim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">texttexttext</a>?
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