Hello Tantek

Tantek Çelik wrote:
On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all

I would like to inform you that the Media Examples Anyalisis has at last
been completed please see http://microformats.org/wiki/media-info-examples.
The full results and discovered schema for a Media Microformat is available
here: http://microformats.org/wiki/media-info-brainstorming#Schema.


Excellent analysis and summary on the media info examples. It's good
to see this making progress.
Thank you..
The only suggested feedback/improvement I have at this time is to
consider the principle of modularity:


and perhaps separate out a few bits, thus simplifying a potential
media info microformat.

That is, see how much of a media info posting can be marked up as an
hAtom entry, and then produce a media info schema based on what
remains, rather than what hAtom has already marked up, e.g.
* published
* comment - should probably go into an iteration of hAtom or a
I think re-use hAtom too I have done for a long time, but when I mentioned placing media-info in the domain of hAtom, It received quite a lot of push back from the community [1] I got "talked" out of the whole idea, I thought maybe I shouldn't go there again this time, but now the evidence is In so to speak, It was the right thought to begin with.

[1] http://microformats.org/discuss/mail/microformats-new/2007-April/000120.html
separate microformat instead, see existing work:
http://microformats.org/wiki/comment (links to a lot of pre-existing work)

I looked at comment but It doesn't seem to have got very far, and has not got much in the way of examples But seems to mostly concern itself with , I have already analysed 25 really good examples of Comments, so maybe I should add what I know to that and go from there? my only concern is wasn't a comment microformat(hcomment) depreciated?

Also, for "alternate", see http://microformats.org/wiki/alternates (ditto).

I wasn't aware of that discussion, thanks.

Thanks for your valuable feedback

Best Wishes

Martin McEvoy


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