As I read it, at the remote location you will be using as your ID (instead of just calnetid), and you
will need a note of your AirBears2 key before you travel. You will not
be able to look it up without net access 8-)

The service SSID will not be AirBears2, of course.

It is going to be very useful for some people.


On 11/4/14 10:16 AM, John McChesney-Young wrote:
> A message went out last night from Larry Conrad to all staff and
> faculty about CalVisitor and eduroam. A lot of our faculty travel
> frequently, so I sent out a note encouraging them to set themselves up
> with AirBears2 if they haven't already and I included a couple of
> links I thought might be helpful. Since our department manager thought
> it worth passing along to the other departments she manages I thought
> I'd share it here too in case any of you might find it useful as a
> basis for something to send out to people you support. Feel free to
> edit, remix, etc. If any of  you have experience with eduroam
> elsewhere already and have any tips or caveats, please let us know!
> John
> ***
> A little while ago you will have gotten a message from Larry Conrad
> about new WiFi options, but since many of you travel for research and
> conferences I wanted to underscore the second, eduroam. This will
> allow those of you who've set up an AirBears2 key to log onto wireless
> networks at many other institutions.
> I know some of you have already switched from AirBears to AirBears2,
> but not all of you have. You may find this makes it worth the few
> minutes required.
> See:
> for a map and list of US institutions that accept eduroam (UC Berkeley
> isn't listed yet); see:
> for a map of non-US institutions. You can also see them as a (very
> long) list by clicking on "text" after "List of service locations" at
> the top. (Hint: It's probably easiest to use your browser's search
> function - Control-F or Command-F - to check for an institution of
> interest instead of scrolling to look for it.)
> To set up an AirBears2 key, see:
> The great practical advantage of using AirBears2 here on campus over
> ordinary AirBears is that you don't need to enter your username and
> password nearly as often; ideally, just once.
> ***

Graham Patterson, Systems Administrator
Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley   510-643-2222
"...past the iguana, the tyrannosaurus, the mastodon, the mathematical
puzzles, and the meteorite..." - directions to my office.

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