phil grainger wrote:

> fom what i can tell midgard is developed on RH linux
> so the libraries are all wrong and the way it calls
> libraries is linux way ...

Hogwash. Sorry to be so rude but this is nonsense. I've installed
Midgard personally on Linux (sparc & x86), Solaris and Mac OS X Server.
I don't think you'll find unixoid platforms that are *less* like each
other, and Mac OS X Server even is a BSD variant to my recollection.

> i suppose once midgard is stable it will end up
> in the freebsd ports collection, i suggested the
> midgard ppl contact the ports ppl ... that was the
> last i heard.

Being in the ports collection would definately be a Good Thing, but
the fact that Midgard isn't does not mean it won't build there.


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