"Emiliano E. Heyns" wrote:

Oops, sorry, I did get the serve name wrong when I set it back in the
host table.

> And refixed the module I suppose. Anyway:


I've been using the config instructions at the end of this file, and I
followed them exactly and had the servername and host table matching
exactly, when I first got this problem.

> > LoadModule php3_module        libexec/libphp3.so
> > LoadModule midgard_module       libexec/mod_midgard.so
> > AddModule mod_php3.c
> No AddModule mod_midgard

OK, my install instructions did not include this. I included this and
Syntax error on line 209 of /www/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot add module via name 'midgard_module': not in list of loaded

I'm a bit confused, as it gets past

LoadModule midgard_module       libexec/mod_midgard.so

I must ask though, is the error message 'Midgard: host record for....
' not an indication that my module is running.

> > <Directory "/www/htdocs">
> No end?

I must admit, this line was not in the install instructions, and I
don't remember adding it. I've added </Directory>, and I've started
reading the apache documentation ;-)

> > MidgardRootfile /www/midgard/midgard-root.php3
> No <Files > section?

There wasn't one mentioned in my install instructions. 

Is there somewhere that mentions what I need to add here?


Thanks for your help.


8. Apache httpd configuration file edit

                   Once you have installed the main components
                   previously, you should now edit your httpd.conf
file. In my test
                   case, located in /www/conf/httpd.conf. 

                   The basic objectives here are: 

                       To load the Midgard and PHP Apache modules 
                       To switch on the Midgard Engine 
                       Tell Apache where to find Midgard's Root file 
                       Password protect the Midgard root file or
directory containing this
                       root file 
                       Add in the PHP application type 
                       Create a virtual host for Midgard's
administration site 

                   There is more than one way to do the Virtual Host.
Consult the Apache
                   documentation. I've gone for a very simple set up.
My test server is actually a
                   stand-alone connected via dial-up. In this case,
the only IP address I really
                   need is my localhost address which is loopback 

                   I have set the Virtual Hosts on different ports on
the same IP address. This
                   would eliminate the need to enter a different
hostname for the Midgard test
                   server and mess about with fiddly things like
/etc/hosts files and name server

                   Three different Virtual Hosts were created on my
test server: 

                       www.mydomain.com - this is simply a normal site
which does not fall
                       under Midgard. 
                       www.mydomain.com:8099 - This is the virtual
host set up for the
                       example site which comes with every Midgard
                       www.mydomain.com:8101 - This virtual host
contains the Midgard
                       Admin site. 

                   If you are following these instructions and want to
set up your test server on
                   the network simply substitute with your
server's IP address. 

                   Below are the additional lines within my httpd.conf 

                    Listen 80
                    Listen 8099
                    Listen 8101 
                                      Tells Apache to listen for http
                                      requests on three different
                                      ports. Port 80 MUST be included
                                      as well. Otherwise, Apache
                                      simply does not respond. 
                    LoadModule midgard_module
                                      Installation of the Midgard
                                      Apache Module (mod_midgard)
                                      would have automatically added
                                      this line into your httpd.conf
                                      Simply uncomment it. 
                    LoadModule php3_module
                    AddModule mod_php3.c
                    AddType application/x-httpd-php3
                    .phtml .php3 .php 
                                      Per INSTALL.DSO instructions
                                      of PHP, you will need to add the
                                      first two lines in manually to
                                      activate PHP. The third line
                                      should already be in and only
                                      needs to be uncommented. 
                                      This is to activate a virtual
                                      on the server's IP address on
                                      the various designated ports 
                    MidgardEngine on 
                                      This activates the Midgard
                                      Tells Apache where to find the
                                      Midgard root file. This was
                                      previously installed. 
                    <Directory /www/midgard>
                    require valid-user
                    AuthName Midgard
                    AuthType Basic
                                      This password protects the
                                      directory containing the Midgard
                                      root file. This step is
                                      to use the administration
                                      of Midgard. You will need this
                                      directory password protected so
                                      that Midgard can identify who
                                      you are and thus set the
                                      appropriate access rights. 
                    ServerName www.mydomain.com
                    Port 8101
                                      These lines will create the
                                      Midgard Admin site. With this
                                      you can simply call up the site
                                      www.mydomain.com:8101 .
                                      Note that DocumentRoot
                                      directives for Midgard sites are
                                      not needed. 
                    ServerName www.mydomain.com
                    Port 80
                    DocumentRoot /www/htdocs
                    AddType application/x-httpd-php3
                    .phtml .php3 .php
                    DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml
                    index.php3 index.phtml index.php
                                      This sets up my normal
                                      non-Midgard site. The last 2
                                      directives may be unnecessary if
                                      you have already set it up in
                                      httpd.conf outside this virtual
                                      host definition. Note that once
                                      you have set up Virtual Hosts,
                                      then even your normal Port 80
                                      web-site must be included as
                                      one of the Virtual Hosts.
                                      Therefore in here you can
                                      whatever Apache directives you
                                      deem necessary. But I guess the
                                      most important directive is to
                                      indicate your document root. 
                    ServerName www.mydomain.com
                    Port 8099
                                      This now allows me to view the
                                      Example site which is included
                                      with every installation of

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