
I just compiled midgard-lib, midgard-php and mod_midgard, and I installed
the new admin site.
But I wanted to browse through the topic and article tree, and all I got was
a blank page.
After some display-style debugging, I found the bug: it comes from the
mgd_get_person function($id), when $id=0 and it causes a Seg fault in httpd
A workaround is to place some extra code in the topic and article pages, you
have to replace:
if($SOMEONE && $p=mgd_get_person($SOMEONE))

$SOMEONE being $topic->creator, $topic->revisor, $article->author,
$article->creator, $article->revisor, $article->approver or

Another workaround would be to update in the database every creator,
revisor, approver, locker, author that are set to 0, and set them to 1
(which is the administrator id).

Of course, the best would be to fix the bug in the function ;-)

Best regards,


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