
Thanks much, it's in the archive and I'll definitely be using this in the
next month.


> You can detect plug-in info with javascript. I will attach a script that
> will detect the flash or shockwave plug-in (although you can use another
> plug-in if you wish) and direct to a URL based on the response. I hope this
> works for you.
> Ronan-Yann Lorin, I think the site is good. To add to the list, I built
> and with midgard. Unfortunately,
> they have opted to go towards the dark side and invest in an NT server and
> ASP to match a system the editors are now using to manage workflow, so
> production has pretty much come to a halt until that is installed. I think
> midgard is a great product, as well as a great community and I am using
> midgard to build a few other sites that i will gladly share once they are
> ready :)
> <!-- begin pugin-in detection script -->
> <!-- put this in the <head> of the document -->
> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
> <!--
> //Check for plug-in, URL to redirect to if found,
> //URL to redirect to if not found,
> //and whether to defualt to alt URL if not found
> function checkPlugin(plgIn, theURL, altURL, autoGo)
>   var ok=false; document.returnValue = false;
>   with (navigator) if (appName.indexOf('Microsoft')==-1) ok=(plugins &&
> plugins[plgIn]);
>   else if (appVersion.indexOf('3.1')==-1) { //not Netscape or Win3.1
>     if (plgIn.indexOf("Flash")!=-1 && window.flash!=null) ok=window.flash;
>     else if (plgIn.indexOf("Director")!=-1 && window.dir!=null)
> ok=window.dir;
>     else ok=autoGo; }
>   if (!ok) theURL=altURL; if (theURL) window.location=theURL;
> }
> //-->
> </script>
> <!-- begin <body> tag -->
> <body onLoad="checkPlugin('Shockwave
> Flash','','',true);return
> document.returnValue">
> <!-- end pugin-in detection script -->
> Philip Cohen
> -------------
> Webmaster/Systems Administrator
> UltraAccess Networks
> --
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