> > > Is the consulting services for Midgard installation and support could
> > > break this?
> > 
> > If under "The Midgard Project, Ry", probably. But nothing's keeping
> > any person or firm from offering Midgard consulting, so even if
> > "we" want to go commercial, we can do so.
> On the topic of assets: I propose we have a clause in our regulations
> stating that if we are ever to disband "The Midgard Project, Ry", any
> assets remaining are donated to charity.

The primary asset is the code, correct? If the code is GPL and OSS, then
the code is forever freely available to the public whether the non-profit
enterprise disbands or continues to remain an organized effort. I
assume, this principle is a primary consideration upon which decisions
to use or not to use Midgard are based on.

I'm not entirely aware of the licensing for the core libraries. I
recall there was mention of this by Bergie earlier in this thread. This
appears to be an appropriate time for Midgard users, such as myself,
to become accutely aware of all licensing issues.

I think it's a fine strategy to assume nonprofit status in order to enable
monetary and property contributions. The continued growth in Midgard as a
freely available product is in my interest.

I'm impressed with the effort that has been made by the Midgard
organization in designing a productive culture and developing a fine

My compliments, and thanks for you generousity.


Incidentally, nonprofit business organizations in the US many times are
formed for reasons less admirable than public interest. A quick
scan of our medical industry will reveal some abhorant practices. Nonprofits
enjoy a tax status that partnerships and corporations don't. Essentially,
they don't pay taxes while performing highly profitable services. I'm not
mentioning this as a corelation to Midgard, to the contrary I'm completely
unsuspecting of any ill formed motivations and believe the motivations are
all upfront. 

I'm probably mentioning it because I was recently offered a
contract with a nonprofit Arts organization and in some not very nice terms I
told them their organization was incompetent and rather than take their
contract I'd prefer to donate my time to cleaning the local inner-city dog

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