On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Joe P wrote:

>     I see people in this newsgroup looking to co-locate servers
> inexpensively so I thought I would pass on the incredible place I came
> accross.

Just out of curiosity, does every client get a @nenetwork.com address?

>     I too wanted to co-locate a server but couldn't afford the $300 plus a
> month and the huge setup fees.  I was about to give up when I came across
> this place called the New England Network. (http://www.nenetwork.com)
> Anyways, they charge $150 / month for server co-location, have no setup
> fee's and include services like E-mail and DNS on their server so I don't
> have to bother with that either!

For those looking into colocating, or even hosting, try these for your
prospective provider:

$ nslookup -type=mx nenetwork.com
Server:  localhost

Non-authoritative answer:
nenetwork.com   preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.nenetwork.com

Authoritative answers can be found from:
nenetwork.com   nameserver = NS1.nenetwork.com
nenetwork.com   nameserver = NS2.nenetwork.com
mail.nenetwork.com      internet address =
NS1.nenetwork.com       internet address =
NS2.nenetwork.com       internet address =

Oops. Only one MX, no backups.

$ /usr/sbin/traceroute # and .67, exact same result.
18  dm01-spfdmawo.dsl.net (  120.104 ms  129.291 ms  141.812 ms
19  * 64-51-39-67.client.dsl.net (  120.368 ms  130.395 ms

So the mail & DNS servers seem to be behind a single DSL line. If that
line fails, your entire domain could become unavailable. And if that's
where the servers are colocated too, you could accomodate about 8
60GB/mo clients if you get the fastest line they offer.


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