Hallo again Emiliano,

Thanks again for "being there"  :)  The problem keeps on, however  :(

At 19:19 of 2000-04-14 +0200, you wrote:
>This is where the problem is. If Midgard doesn't know what database to
>it can hardly connect to it :)

Sounds reasonable. The problem is the midgard database IS defined in the
mysql.db table:

| Host      | Db      | User    | Select_priv | Insert_priv | Update_priv |
| %         | test    |         | Y           | Y           | Y           |
Y  |
| %         | test\_% |         | Y           | Y           | Y           |
Y  |
| localhost | midgard | midgard | Y           | Y           | Y           |
Y  |

>Have you set MidgardDatabase, either globally or for each VHost?

I have set it globally, that is outside the <VirtualHost ...> sections.
However, I now copied and pasted all the Midgard directives (MidgardEngine,
MidgardDatabase, MidgardUsername and MidgardPassword to EACH of the
VirtualHost sections. 

I restarted the server - just in case - but the problem persists. I just
get the file listing of the examples and images directories.

So now the end of my httpd.conf file reads:
MidgardEngine on
MidgardRootfile /home/httpd/html/midgard/midgard-root.php3
MidgardDatabase midgard
MidgardUsername midgard
MidgardPassword mypassword  

ServerName localhost
Port 8101
MidgardEngine on
MidgardRootfile /home/httpd/html/midgard/midgard-root.php3

MidgardDatabase midgard
MidgardUsername midgard
MidgardPassword mypassword

ServerName localhost
Port 8099

MidgardEngine on
MidgardRootfile /home/httpd/html/midgard/midgard-root.php3

MidgardDatabase midgard  
MidgardUsername midgard
MidgardPassword mypassword

<Files /home/httpd/html/midgard/midgard-root.php3>
require valid-user
AuthName Midgard
AuthType Basic

-- end of httpd.conf --

I do NOT longer get the access denied error message in the error_log but I
*still* get the [Fri Apr 14 17:56:24 2000] [error] [client]
Midgard: database not defined for localhost

More ideas?

Thanks again.

Ricardo Marques

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