On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Ricardo Marques wrote:

> Hallo Emiliano,
> I also changed the Host in mysql.db table to mydomain.pt  It still did NOT
> work.

The host in mysql.db should be 'localhost'. Midgard does not use it
itself; it is only there to grant the midgard user access.

The 'name' field from the 'host' table in the database you created
separately to store the Midgard data is what matters.

> I have followed the installation instructions in the web page of the
> Installation Guide - http://www.midgard-project.org/topic/218.html - I have
> read the INSTALL and POSTINSTALL files and read multiple messages in the
> mailing list. But still I was not able to setup Midgard    :(

I'll not deny that Midgard setup can be daunting at times. Midgard is an
orchestration of PHP, Apache and MySQL and requires that you get to know
all a little.

Eddies installation guide is pretty accurate. Set up the mysql.db exactly
as he describes it, and leave it at that. localhost is what should be
there. All other modifications will be to the midgard database, not to the
mysql grants database.

> I hope one future version will have an easy installer that correctly sets
> up the MySQL databases. I do remember that one of the messages of the
> mailing list had a set of requirements for a future version of Midgard, and
> one of those requirements was a good installer. Let me support that by
> saying it is absolutely crucial: if people can't install and setup Midgard,
> they will not even have a chance to actually *use* it.

The monster package should be more up your alley then.


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