On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Miles Scruggs wrote:

> Looks great and most everything went well on the upgrade.  Just a few
> questions
> 1.)   On my first host I get two error messages that I can find.
>       a)      In the style admin for any style I get this error at the bottom.
>               "Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function
> mgd_get_element_by_name() in            code-init on line 12"
>       b)      In the main first page of the default admin site I get this error.
>               "Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function
> mgd_has_sitegroups() in content                 on line 8"

I'm not seeing this. Did you make, make install PHP & restart apache?
Nothing else I can think of offhand.

> 2.)   I can't seem to get anything to work for sitegroups.  This seems tied
> to the last error, and I did follow all the instructions in the INSTALL file
> from midgard-data.tar.gz  I did not assume that I needed to recompile the
> modules or libs so I didn't since there was no reference to any of that in
> any of the upgrade info.

You need to reconfigure, make install all three. lib, mod & php. Thsi will
generally be the case for any midgard upgrade, but with sitegroups it's
also required when you move from non-SG to SG or visa versa within the
same release.

> Although when I ran the sg0migrate script it
> returned these two lines of errors
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'midgard.event' doesn't exist at
> ./sg0migrate line 39.
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'midgard.eventmember' doesn't exist at
> ./sg0migrate line 39

This may be harmless but sg0migrate does expect the tables to be 1.4b3

> 4.)   On my second system things didn't go so well.  I ran the sql scripts
> out of order.  So the update_from_1.2.6beta1_or_before.sql got run after
> everything else.  That script will run without errors but now I get "ERROR
> 1050 at line 1: Table 'sitegroup' already exists" When I run
> update-sitegroups.sql  Not that I don't understand the error I'm just
> wondering if there is an easy way to fix this with out  running all the msql
> stuff by hand or goign back through and fixing everything.  I get a simular
> type of error when I run the midgard-en.sql.  Sorry I have been refering to
> these as scripts I know they are not.

They're scripts.

In what order did you run them? Probably all it takes is removal of some
CREATE TABLE statements.

> 5.)   While you mention that your midgrate script needs the DB stuff for PERL
> not everyone might know how to get it here is a link that might be usefull
> in the INSTALL docs.  http://www.cpan.org/CPAN.html

Good point.


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