Henri Bergius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> > Admin has a plain password of "**password" assigned in the database,
> > while the test user has an encrypted password. No matter what I attempt,
> > I cannot logon to the admin ID using the given password. However, the
> > test user can logon just fine.
I think I just ran into the same problem on my test setup. Changing the
'**password' to '[encrypted-pass]' using an sql-statement solved the
problem. Could it be that an unencrypted password is not allowed foor the
root user? Wouldn't be too bad, I didn't mean to have the password
clear-text anyway, but if so, it should be documented.

> > The delimiters are now:
> > '*' I am root and want a full view of the system
> > '!' I am root and want an admin view
> > '$' I am root and I want a user view
> > '+' I am an admin/user

Maybe unneeded, but a little clarification:

rootusername* or rootusername*sitegroupname,

is what you would provide as username during you logon challenge.


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