My idea of content management will need to be adjusted, I'm sure. But
this is what I see it as now.

1/ There a all sorts of permission groupings to styles, style elements,
content elements, and output pages that can be set up.

2/ The designers of output pages can look through an archive of previous
styles, style elements, content elements and click which ones they want
to apply. They only get to look at what their permissions let them.

3/ Temporary, element specific permissions can be granted, i.e. for a
graphic file from 'another division'/group, they can include it on a one
time basis that expires when the page expires.

4/ New PUBLISHED page designs, OF ANY KIND, -----REPLACE---- the
previous PUBLISHED  design and the previous design gets archived under
the URL. All the style elements and content elements do too. So in-house
people can go back in time and see what pages used to look at. They can
address customer concerns that say,"HEY, When I applied to get
subscription X, you page said I'd get a free Whamo frisbee balancer, but
the contract I was emailed didn't include it!" This sort of thing can be
generated by page changes mid transaction.

5/ Using <4> above, marketing, advertising, and trend oriented people
can watch and generate changes in the companies looks in slow
incremental ways and do quick seeks of older styles.

Sooooooooooo, the question is:

Does Midgard support archiving of previous style elements, content
elements, cut and pasting of the same from within Midgard, and are
already created style/content elements available for perusal/sampling
via some kind of menu?
Dennis K. Gearon (Kegley)
Scientific Instrument Technician, School of EIT
Oregon Institute of Technology - One of USA's 100 Best College Buys
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Voice   1-541-885-1563
FAX     1-541-885-1689
Happiness is when you want to go to your job in the morning and
when you want to go home in the evening.

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