
I have a bit of code in a navigation layout-element:

13: <?
14:    if($list =
15:    while($list->fetch()){  
16:      if($list->name != "nomenu") { ?> 
17:      <strong><a href="&(ghost.prefix);/&(list.name);" 
18:    <? } } } 
19: ?> 

It basically lists all pages under the rootpage, accept for the nomenu page. This used 
to work fine, until I started to use mgd_auth_midgard("username","password",1) 
somewhere else in the site. Now it just works when someone is logged on (received a 
auth_cookie), but when that cookie is reset,  mgd_list_pages(140) above will not
return an object. Before I started playing with logins $midgard->user always was 0, 
and there where no problems, now when someone is not logged in $midgard->user is 0 too.

Any suggestions?


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