On 10.05.00 (20:54), Henri Bergius wrote:
> Here's the new site structure I've been thinking about:
> About Midgard (generic product info)
>   Introduction to Midgard
>     Graphical tour

... based on the slides from the Midgard Workshop?

>     Licensing
>     Organization ->
>   Management summary

What does this one mean?  The "Business Case for Midgard"?

What about a link to all or to selected case studies under

>   Introduction to Midgard's architecture
>   Platforms (summary on OSs Midgard works with) ->
> Getting started
>   Tutorial ->
>   Installation guide ->
>   Troubleshooting ->
>   Hosting providers ->
>   FAQ ->
> Technology & solutions
>   Architecture
>   Whitepapers (about Midgard components, etc)
>   Case studies
>     Midgard-powered Web sites
>   Roadmap
> Acquiring Midgard
>   Platforms
>   Downloads
>   Installation guide ->
>   Hosting providers
>   Troubleshooting
> Documentation
>   Midgard Manual
>   Tutorial -> (in manual)
>   FAQ -> (in manual)
>   Installation guide -> (in manual)
>   Function reference -> (in manual)

Link to Mailing lists as another source of documentation?

> Midgard community
>   Contributions
>     Development contributions
>     Documentation contributions
>     Packaging contributions
>   The Midgard Project Ry ->
>   Mailing lists
>     Subscribing
>     Archives
> The Midgard Project Ry
>   Organizational charter
>   Board and officials
>   Membership
>   Regulations
>   Papers

What is exactly the difference between "Getting Started" and
"Acquiring Midgard" and "About Midgard"? As I understand this
kind of labeling system, "Acquiring Midgard" would be a guide to
planning and implementing a Midgard solution, whereas "About
Midgard" would include general information on Midgard for people
who do not want to deploy Midgard anywhere yet.

I'd see "Getting Started" somewhere in between these two.
According to the sections you listed under that topic, I'd just
leave it out and add them to "Acquiring Midgard" -- perhaps
renaming the topic to "Getting Started" ;-) -- 'cause I don't
see much of a difference between these two. What about that

Getting started
  Installation guide ->
  Tutorial ->
  FAQ ->
  Hosting providers

I'm still not sure whether to include "Hosting providers" here,
since "my" "Getting started" would be a mainly technical topic
-- perhaps it would fit better under "About Midgard", with links
from "Getting started" and "Midgard Community"?

> Please comment.

Done ;-)

> When we lose this battle, we _will_ lose the war.
                  -- Dave Whitinger on the importance of Mozilla

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