On 12 May, Philipp Rotmann wrote:
>>     Graphical tour
> ... based on the slides from the Midgard Workshop?

Nope. Rather a series of screenshots around the
Admin site. There is something like this already
on the site, although it could be improved a lot:

>>   Management summary
> What does this one mean?  The "Business Case for Midgard"?

Yes, in a short format. Michael Ed was working on
something like this last autumn, but I'm not sure
if anything came of it.

> What about a link to all or to selected case studies under
> "About"?

Sure, although we don't have any case studies yet.
This was one of the things I meant with the crosslinking.
>> Documentation
> Link to Mailing lists as another source of documentation?

A good point.
> What is exactly the difference between "Getting Started" and
> "Acquiring Midgard" and "About Midgard"? As I understand this
> kind of labeling system, "Acquiring Midgard" would be a guide to
> planning and implementing a Midgard solution, whereas "About
> Midgard" would include general information on Midgard for people
> who do not want to deploy Midgard anywhere yet.

I agree on "About Midgard". However, the idea of
"Getting started" was to provide a set of links to
resources around the site that would help people
start working with Midgard. This would of course
also include links to information on installing
Midgard or finding a hosting provider.

"Acquiring Midgard" is the current "Getting Midgard"
section. It maybe should be renamed to "Download"
to make things clearer.

> I'm still not sure whether to include "Hosting providers" here,
> since "my" "Getting started" would be a mainly technical topic
> -- perhaps it would fit better under "About Midgard", with links
> from "Getting started" and "Midgard Community"?

We will have two levels of links in the front page
of every section, so we can prioritize stuff based
on what is seen as most relevant for that particular
section. Also, I think in this case more links is
better than less links, so that people find the
information they're looking for more easily.

> Done ;-)


>      phr


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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