Sébastien Bernard wrote:

> First question I have to post to the list:
> May I install midgard on a red hat 6.0 linux ?
> If yes, then I start again tomorrow.
> If Not, then I will get a 6.2 Friday morning.

I don't know redhat, but I don't think there is a problem anywhere. If
it comes with badly configured packages then you can always de-install
apache and mysql from the distribution and start by installing these two
from source. There is a nice script out which installs apache+php3+mysql
without hassle from source. (search freshmeat). Don't worry about php
being overwritten later on by midgard's php, but this way you have
automatically mod_php enabled in apache.

> Maybe there is a better choice than Red Hat ?

I have SuSE 6.2. I left its original apache but I installed mysql from
source, because the SuSE version was outdated.


Dr Frank Boehme                      | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
National University of Ireland, Cork | phone: +353-21-903163
Dept of Computer Science             |   fax: +353-21-903113
Cork, Ireland                        |

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