> First question I have to post to the list:
> May I install midgard on a red hat 6.0 linux ?
> If yes, then I start again tomorrow.
> If Not, then I will get a 6.2 Friday morning.
> Maybe there is a better choice than Red Hat ?

Hi Sebastien

I had the same pain as you had with Midgard. It tooks me many days until it
worked, Frank gave some helpful hints and now it works. But still I have to
learn ...

But to your question, I have Midgard also on a RH 6.0 box, with mySQL 3.22
and Apache. I have planned to move it to new RH 6.2, but 6.0 is fine.

Also install myPHPadmin, this makes it much easier to handle all things
around the db, lets you work with mySQL through the browser.


Gottfried Ryser


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