> > I put a print in the code init for the admin/group location to see what is
> > done :  mdg_create_member(2,5,'');  which are
> Yes i was logged as admin*

That probably explains it.

_Every_ record in the midgard database is in one specific sitegroup and
the functions do checks to keep you from creating resources that cross
sitegroup boundaries.

A newly created resource gets the current sitegroup. You were logged in as
'admin*' so you were in SG0 while trying to create the member record. My
guess is that at least one of user '2' or group '5' wasn't SG0.

In general, you will want to log in as admin!sitegroupname to do
maintenance on a sitegroup. 'admin*' should probably only be used to
maintain SG0 content like the admin site itself and the root user group.


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