Hi Sam,

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Sam wrote:

> The docs in the data package instructed me to have in my hosts table,
> prefix='/admin' and prefix='/example' - which is NOT required if I have
> seperate vhosts&|port numbers for the admin hosts.
> Grrr....
> But the admin host always fails my login, I login as: midgard, midgard but
> it doesn't like me!
> I have in httpd.conf:
>   MidgardDatabase midgard
>   MidgardUserName midgard
>   MidgardPassword midgard
>   <Files midgard-root.php3>
>   require valid-user
>   AuthName Midgard
>   AuthType Basic
>   </Files>
> So why might it not like my password?

I'm not entirely sure but SiteGroups might be a default part of the
1.4beta3 as a default. If it is then you'll  need to consider SGs. There's
a document that explains everything you need to know about SGs in the

If that's the problem and it's confusing, I'll watch for questions on
that; otherwise, I'm sure someone will help you.


> Thanks
> Sam
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