I'll follow up to myself by adding www.ihg.com:8099/example/ and 
www.ihg.com:8101/example/ both point to the VMUC site but things like /example/news/ 
and /example/news/8.html return the same page.  /admin works on neither port


PS OOI is it my mail system or the mailing list that introduces the 20minute delay 
from when I sent it to when it arrived in my pop box?

Original Message:
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:51:13 -0400
Subject: RE: [midgard] Error

>The file /tmp/mysql.sock should be created upon startup of the MySQL
>server. So check if mysql is running before you startup Apache.
>Also some installations of mysql will have the mysql.sock in a different
>location. If this is the case, there is some dirt lying around on your
>system. Because, as Emile stated it is libmysqlclient that is talking to
>the socketfile, and you would want libmysqlclient to be of the same
>version as the mysqld you are running.

I totally scrubbed the MySQL install and started again this time using proper stable 
packages from the debian tree and noticed there is a /var/run/mysql.sock   I symbolic 
linked this to /tmp/mysql.sock and so the apache error has gone away and it's loading 
fine now.  I did have quite a bit of "dirt" probably because I compiled midgardlib 
with a different libmysqlclient then the one in the deb package (which was broken).  
Still things are okay it seems.

In that area at least....

>From the apache/error.log which is still LogLevel debug

[Thu Jun 29 22:29:27 2000] [info] removed PID file /var/run/apache.pid (pid=19038)
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:27 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:29 2000] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [info] created shared memory segment #640
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) Debian/GNU 
PHP/3.0.16+Midgard/1.4-beta3/SG Midgard/1.4-beta3/SG configured -- resuming normal 
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [info] Server built: Apr 16 2000 10:43:23
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:30 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:31 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:31 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:29:31 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8099/)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8099/index.html)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8099/HEADER)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8099/README)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8099/icons/blank.gif)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://wwwihg.com:8099/icons/back.gif)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8099/icons/folder.gif)
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(748): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8099 not found
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:01 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******
[Thu Jun 29 22:43:01 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(206): Midgard: database=midgard, 
username=midgard, password=******

This is from when I access www.ihg.com:8099 but I the same messages for 
www.ihg.com:8101 (the messages specify 8099).  So I assume that goes back to my 
httpd.conf as the error message is the same for both ports?

mysql> select * from host;
| id | name        | root | style | info | owner | port | online | prefix   | 
|sitegroup |
|  1 | www.ihg.com |    1 |     1 | auth |     0 | 8101 |      1 | /admin   |      0 |
|  2 | www.ihg.com |   34 |     2 |      |     1 | 8099 |      1 | /example |      0 |

My httpd.conf hasn't changed since the last post.

TIA, Nick

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