> >Both midgard hosts are prefixed. Try
> >http://www.ihg.com:8101/admin/ and http://www.ihg.com:8099/example/
> As I said in my followup email I did try that sort of thing
> 8099/example/ and 8101/example/ both give a version of the VMUC site
> but /example/news/8.html and /example/news/ return the same page (the
> news release intro page not a specific new release though).

Set LogLevel to debug and let's see what happens again.

> I've noticed through the mailing list archives that a lot of people
> have had this problem over the months - what is it that we are all
> doing wrong?

Nothing specifically. But Midgard does some things in a non-intuitive way
if you're used to the way straight apache handles things.


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