>> shows that $article isn't being set (hence element #30 never being
>> used).  That must mean mgd_get_article($id); is failing, doesn't it?
>> How do I find out why?  That new error code stuff?
><!-- <?echo "$id:"; if (!$article) { echo mgd_errstr(mgd_errno()); } -->
>right after the mgd_get_article of course.

No probelms when accessing /example/news/ (not suprising) but /example/news/9.html 
results in "9:Object does not exist".

However, I look in the database and there really is something there.

select content from article where id=9; results in a lot of content being displayed.

Heres all the non content stuff (in a few selects):

mysql> select article.abstract, article.approved, article.approver, article.author, 
article.caldays, article.calstart, article.created, article.creator from article where 
| abstract                                         | approved            | approver | 
|author | caldays | calstart   | created             | creator |
| The Founders of VMUC Corp. have finally decided to create some information about 
|this great, fully imaginary company.         | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |        0 |      
|1 |       0 | 0000-00-00 | 1999-05-07 23:16:42 |       0 

mysql> select article.extra1, article.extra2, article.extra3, article.icon, 
article.id, article.locked, article.locker from article where id=9;
| extra1 | extra2 | extra3 | icon | id | locked              | locker |
|        |        |        |    0 |  9 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |      0 |

mysql> select article.name, article.print, article.revised , article.revision ,  
article.score , article.sitegroup , article.title from article where id=9;
| name | print | revised             | revision | score | sitegroup | title
|      |     0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |        0 |     0 |         0 | VMUC Corp. 
|Imagined |

mysql> select article.topic , article.type , article.up , article.url, article.view 
from article where id=9;
| topic | type | up | url | view |
|    11 |    0 |  0 |     |    0 |

>> I'm aware that they aren't being served by midgard.  I therefore moved
>> both directories into /var/www and the example site is serving them
>> fine but the admin site isn't.  Do I need to define a docroot for the
>> admin site?  How come I didn't have to to get the example site
>> working?
>Maybe a global DocumentRoot setting?

Already got one in the srm.conf (why must some distributions insist on having stuff in 
all the 4 apache config files?) DocumentRoot /var/www

With that doc root putting the graphics it expects at /midgard/images/*.gif into 
/var/www/midgard/images/*.gif seems the right thing to do AFAIC.

from the error.log:

[Sat Jul  1 11:56:23 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(718): [client] 
midgard_translate_handler(latin1, http://www.ihg.com:8101/midgard/images/topleft1.gif)
[Sat Jul  1 11:56:23 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(754): [client] Midgard: 
host record for www.ihg.com:8101 found (#1)
[Sat Jul  1 11:56:23 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(588): [client] walking 
pages /midgard/images/topleft1.gif
[Sat Jul  1 11:56:23 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(593): [client] walking 
page midgard
[Sat Jul  1 11:56:23 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(766): [client] Midgard: 
page record for /midgard/images/topleft1.gif not found
[Sat Jul  1 11:56:23 2000] [crit] [client] configuration error:  
couldn't check user.  No user file?: /midgard/images/topleft1.gif



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