>Either the fetch fails or the object can't be initialized, which would
>mean a memory shortage or somesuch. The first is most likely.
>Turn on MySQL logging and lets see.

I added a /etc/my.cnf file and put this in it:


I then restarted it.  However that doesn't help at all (no entries to the log file at 

What is the proper way?  I tried to launch mysqld --debug but that didn't seem to like 
me either.

>Is the DocRoot under any <Files> or <Directory> protection that would
>trigger Midgard?

Errrmm... ah yes it is. - well the graphics are under the Midgard directory which is 
under the doc root.

I had /var/www as DocRoot with my Midgard Root file as 
/var/www/midgard/midgard-root.php3, the images in /var/www/midgard/images/ and the 
auth part of the midgard directory as /var/www/midgard

So I just moved the midgard-root and the auth part to another directory 
(/var/www/midgardroot) and left the DocRoot alone  A quick restart gives me pretty 
pictures :)

All is now good!  Thanks!!!!


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