Emiliano wrote:
> > they did show up at first.
> > What did I do wrong???
> ...
> > ?>
> > <img src="&(blobs.name);" alt="&(blobs.title);"><br>
> > &(blobs.mimetype);<br>
> > [&(blobs.id);]&nbsp;&(blobs.name);<br>
> This surprises me a little. This way the blobs are relative to the script
> page, but they're attached to an article so there needs to to logic
> (probably in code-init) to actually display the images.
> Emile

Sorry,  I was probably wrong (was a bit sleepy last night when I was
fooling around with this). The blobs might have been attached to the
page (admin-root/topic/article) when it worked. So, what You say is that
I can't (as easy as on pages) attach blobs to articles?


Eat one live frog the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will
happen to either of you for the rest of the day.
Anders Karlsson - System Administrator
Digital Future AB, Norra Kungsgatan 8, S-371 33 Karlskrona, Sweden
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 877 896
Phone: +46 455 151 09, Fax +46 455 194 62, Mobile +46 708 146 175
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