Emiliano wrote:

> The attachment is exactly the same. The only difference is that
> mod_midgard in the url translation phase looks if it can find a blob
> attached to a page for that given URL and hands it out on it's own. The
> page attachments are the only place I can do that because they're the only
> ones to have a guaranteed mapping to an URL (by definitaion).
> For all others, a code-init like
> <?
> if ($article = mgd_get_article($argv[0])) {
>   $article->serveattachment($argv[1]);
>   exit;
> }
> ?>
> would be needed. You can of course add more code to check if the blob is
> really available & such, but this would do the trick for
> .../article/314/image.gif
> Emile
> --

Thanks it worked like a charm!


Eat one live frog the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will
happen to either of you for the rest of the day.
Anders Karlsson - System Administrator
Digital Future AB, Norra Kungsgatan 8, S-371 33 Karlskrona, Sweden
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 877 896
Phone: +46 455 151 09, Fax +46 455 194 62, Mobile +46 708 146 175
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