Dear All,
We are using MIfos since 2009 but still we have confusion regarding the data
entry Or searching the exact work flow.
I require help how to match mifos with my daily field activity.
Daily Field activity.

Collection of KYC--->Screening (adding and substraction of KYC to full fill
the center limit ie 15, 20, 25 in multiple of 5)------->Three days training
------> after that GRT (fails or Pass) if Pass (till here we are not putting
any data into Mifos.
 Problem is there we have to put data in mifos at the time of disbursement
because of CENTER MEETING day once it is given we have to disburse the loan
on same day.
Some times we have to disburse 300 member in a day and also made the
disbursements after giving the physical disbursement.because sometimes it is
possible that might be disbursement doesn't takes place.

Our desire how to work with Mifos.

After the screening of KYC we are assure that 99% chances of disbursement
takes place in particular center.
One Important thing that we are operating our operations like member active
and loans generation and disbursements centrally. Means these particular
actions has been done other than branch ie HUB.

In Mifos
We require to form a center with out center meeting day and forms a group
and clients into inactive stage.
As soon as the GRT takes place means Members are passed at that time we have
to change their stage as active (Still we don't require a center meeting
Now the loan approval stage HERE IT REQUIRES A CENTER MEETING DAY which does
not means to give a center meeting day here instead of that mifos will ask
to us on which date and day you want to disburse the loan OR on which day
and date you want to collect the EMIs IT IS LOGICAL because we meet with
members only for the collection on a particular day.

This process solve all the problems.

If you have any idea OR you have any other Modes operand ii please tell.

Your suggestion are always welcome.


AMIT JAIN | E.D | Digamber Finance (Chota Loan Bade Sapne) | +919414041821 |
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