I made the adjustments as suggested - it improved performance slightly (about 3x), but still well below what I was expecting.

I'll give your tutorial a go in the near future and see how that works minus the EoIP tunnel.


Rory McCann
Minn-Kota Ag Products
/r...@mkap.com/ <mailto:r...@mkap.com>

On 7/27/2010 12:50 AM, Butch Evans wrote:
On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 15:18 -0500, Rory McCann wrote:
The only thing I can think of is MTU/MRU funkiness. The Qwest PPPoE
client is now set at 1492 and the eoip and pptp tunnels are at 1500.
I didn't read all posts in this thread.  Are you bridging 2 networks by
using a pptp tunnel with eoip inside this tunnel?  If so, that will
cause all sorts of funky mtu issues.  Try this first:

That tutorial will show how to create the same thing, but eliminates the
MTU issues (or part of them).

Couple of things you can try here:

If the pppoe interface is running 1492 for it's MTU, then you need to
set the pptp tunnel with MTU lower than that.  The mss value for that
pppoe tunnel is 1452, which is the value I use for the MTU of the pptp
tunnel.  Then, you can set the MRRU on both ends of the pptp tunnel to
1528 (1500 + 28 bytes for ethernet/vlan/etc header) and still transport
a full ethernet packet.

I know this is a rather terse answer, but it should give you a starting

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