I'm gonna make this an easy choice for timing. I am currently discounting both the IPv6 and the MTCTCE (Mikrotik training) taking place near the DFW airport. The price for each class is $850. I have not decided how long this special price will apply, but it won't be longer than Wednesday, June 5. I will, at some point, remove the special price. SNOOZE = LOSE! The regular price is $995 for each class, so this is a significant savings. Both classes are approximately 1/2 full and this is the time when people start buying seats, so you will need to hurry if you want a seat. Registration is at http://store.wispgear.net/ for these 2 classes.

You can also register for the MTCNA course at my partner's website here: http://store.wisp-router.com/MTCNA_AUG2013 Seating is limited for this August course, so be sure to register soon if you are interested.

I will be announcing the IPv6 training which will be at the WISPAPALOOZA show in Vegas in the next week or two. Because the costs are higher at this show, the seats will be a bit more expensive. Additionally, there is a class in the works for the US MUM. This will most likely be the MT Certified Wireless course. I suspect the MUM will be near the end of September, but dates and location has not been announced. Finally, there is an MTCNA class in the works for the Los Angeles area. This will probably be in November.

If you are interested in keeping abreast of what is available, you can visit my website regularly at http://www.butchevans.com or you can sign up for my announcements list at

Thanks for this list. It is one of the most informative lists I participate in. For those who read this far, and who have interest in attending a class, send me an email OFFLIST and I'll get you even better pricing on the training events.

Butch Evans
Network Support and Engineering
Mikrotik mailing list

Visit http://blog.butchevans.com/ for tutorials related to Mikrotik RouterOS

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