On 1/29/04 1:44 AM, "Ole Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 01/28/04 at 08:32, 'twas brillig and Scott Harris scrobe:
>> Subject: RE: [Mimedefang] Problem running clamd but not clamscan
>>> Scott, et al -
>>> I had similar issues with clamd versus clamscan (see
>>> lists.roaringpenguin.com/pipermail/mimedefang/2003-December/01
>>> 8671.html)
>>> but nobody else seemed to (or at least, nobody responded) and
>>> I gave up due to lack of time. (Figuring, "I've got a
>>> solution that works for my current mail load, why fsck with it...")
>>> Ole
>>> --
>> I'm tempted to take the same route, except for the fact that
>> I noticed the filter time has gone up dramatically:
> Scott -
> The problem I had seemed to be that MD wasn't actually talking
> to clamd. (Do you catch the EICAR text file with clamd enabled?) It
> would make sense that MD processed significantly faster if it's not
> incurring the virusscan overhead at all. Maybe we could have someone
> with a working MD<->clamd setup try your speed test and report the
> difference in MD time between clamav and clamd...
> Ole


  I was having the opposite problem.  well, kind of.  I originally
configured my filter to use CLAMAV instead of CLAMD (mostly because the
filter fails and then discards mail if clamd isn't accessible via the
socket), and although it was catching the virus, it wasn't returning any
name into $VirusName.  I configured CLAMD and changed the filter to use
CLAMD and now it's working properly (and returning a value into $VirusName)

I'm not sure how to get the filter times into the syslog like that however,
i'd be willing to help in anyway I can.


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